Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Long live the left behind receipts.

After months on end of playing around with these receipt sketches that I do at work, I finally have came to a conclusion. I am currently creating this as my final piece now.

To do so, I am going to have 4 canvases, A3 sized with equally sized sketches of customers on receipts ontop of this canvas. I will tea stain each to get rid of the whiteness, bleugh.

Ontop I am going to ink up a piece of string and drag it across the canvas.

My idea behind this is to show the different routes that types of customers may take around the store.

I am specifically looking at the family shopper, the lost shopper, the one thing shopper and the wondering shopper.

Stay tuned for the final outcome! Woo.

Two weeks to go guys, two weeks... RUSH AND PANIC HITS IN NOW.

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