Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The media and our society

As my current project is based on the idea that because of the images of models and celebrities that are shown through the media, we feel we need to look a certain way to be classed as "beautiful" and to then become accepted into society. I'm working on my final major piece for this which is the painting, "meat" and the minor for this idea is my drypoint print "trapped" but as a last minute thing I had this interesting idea. I questioned why do I have to make myself look presentable to go out? What's wrong with the natural state I wake up in? So currently I am taking an image of myself as soon a I wake up and another when I have done myself up to leave my house to compare the two. Do we do this because we want to look more like the images in the media? The idea of how were suppose to look... This is just a quick idea I wanted to have some fun with to throw into my sketchbook before the hand in

I really should blog a lot more, I have really, really been bad to this account lately. I'm not even sure if anyone actually reads my blogs or whatever but ey, what the heck. It's another way to get my Art work out there and even if one person is looking at my work, that would be cool. 

Here  is the first week of my images from my project;

It really annoys me that we have to spend time every morning, put some eyeliner and powder on, straighter our hair and brush it all down, pick out a nice outfit to wear so others don't look at us and think god, what a mess. If I didn't have to do this I could have an extra half hour of sleep every morning! Oh and that sounds more appealing to me. By far. 


Even myself, I have a boyfriend, I have the friends I need. I am happy yet still, I still feel the need to make myself look like this ideology of pretty. Do I subconsciously feel insecure because of the images in the media? 

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